A church in Sandridge has welcomed a new vicar and her family to the parish.

Em Coley, who lives in the vicarage in Anson Close, has taken up the position at St Leonard’s Church in Church End.

Her role at the church formally began at the end of August and she has spent the past month getting to know the village and its residents.

She said: "I want the whole village to accept the church as theirs and as somewhere that is accessible to them.

"I want to see the Christian faith as something that is relevant and important.

"The local village church should be something that really helps people."

Rev Coley has moved to the area with her husband Lee and their two children.

She said: "Coming somewhere we don’t know where we can explore as a family has been brilliant.

"The village is lovely and people have welcomed us with open arms.

"They have been enormously helpful."

As well as her position at the church, Rev Coley will also be the associate diocesan director of ordinands.

This role involves providing guidance to people training to take up positions in church.

From her long list of new responsibilities Rev Coley is particularly looking forward to working with Sandridge School, where her daughter is a pupil.

She said: "It is a lovely school - it just makes sense to work together.

"I want the children to feel like the church is theirs."

The new vicar trained in Wendover in Buckinghamshire. During her five years there she had her two children, who are now aged six and three.

One of the changes Rev Coley has made since moving to Sandridge has been to make the all ages service less formal.

She said: "It is always a challenge to make something accessible to adults and children.

"For too long churches have been seen as serious and formal."