When:   Thursday 11 October 2012  18:30 for 19:00

Where: The Weston Auditorium, de Havilland Campus, Hatfield  AL10 9EU


The former Director of Hatfield Polytechnic, Sir Norman Lindop once remarked that 'even for a vigorous and forward-looking institution, as we hope we are, an occasional backward glance is not necessarily out of place'.

As part of the University of Hertfordshire's Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Quintin McKellar CBE, will take a 'backward glance' and reflect on the evolution of Higher Education and the history of the University since it was first established as Hatfield Technical College in 1952. He will unravel a history based on expanding technological innovation, industrial growth and civic aspiration, and a university and sector shaped by economic changes, globalisation and shifts in policy. Finally, looking forward to the University's 120th anniversary, Professor McKellar will draw on the University's heritage and the dramatic changes to Higher Education over the past 60 years to prophesise its, and the sector's, bright yet challenging future.

The event will feature an exhibition of photographs and memorable from the University past and present. The University Press publication ‘The University of Hertfordshire: Sixty Years of Innovation’ will be sold at the event at a special price of £10.00.

More information and booking

This lecture is free of charge and open to the public, please reserve your place in advance by contacting Julie Melton, Events Manager 

+44(0)1707 284004 or email events@herts.ac.uk