Outline planning permission has been granted for industrial estate buildings to make way for a 42,000 sqm facility in London Colney.

The application, submitted to St Albans City & District Council's planning committee, was accepted on Wednesday (January 3) and will see the demolition of former Sainsbury's buildings at units four to five Riverside Industrial Estate.

The plans, submitted on behalf of Zurich Assurance Ltd, would see the land continue to be utilised for storage and distribution.

Proposed elevations for two large units have been included within the application.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Areas to be demolished to make way for the new development in London Colney.Areas to be demolished to make way for the new development in London Colney. (Image: UMC Architects / St Albans City & District Council)

A planning statement attached to the application reads: "(The development) would successfully utilise this under-used site for employment uses.

"(The development would also) deliver a new warehouse development that would ensure the site is fit for purpose for the future.

"(It) will deliver employment opportunities in a suitable location that may alleviate pressure for employment space on other potentially less suitable sites within the borough."


A comment on the planning application, made by London Colney Parish Council, praised the development.

The comment read: "Members considered the planning application and broadly welcomed the site as an employment opportunity for local people.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Proposed elevations for a large building on the site of the former Sainsbury's units.Proposed elevations for a large building on the site of the former Sainsbury's units. (Image: UMC Architects / St Albans City & District Council)

"They had appreciated the opportunity to have some engagement before the application was discussed and the responses to the questions that had been raised at this engagement.

"Further engagement would mean a positive outcome for residents.

"The parish council would like the developer to consider mitigation to prevent seagulls from roosting on the roofs, which has been raised previously with St Albans District Council, and can adversely affect neighbouring residential properties."

St Albans & Harpenden Review: London Colney's Riverside Industrial Estate.London Colney's Riverside Industrial Estate. (Image: Google Maps)A comment made by a resident of Robins Close supported this plea for action against nesting seagulls.

The resident stated: "Over time the trees have been removed due to storm damage and any new development will have line of sight to my property.

"Furthermore I would request that measures are put in place to stop gulls nesting on any new property."

The full plans can be viewed by using reference 5/2022/2966 on the St Albans City & District Council planning portal.