Three members of the same family have all celebrated diamond wedding anniversaries with their spouses on the same day.

On Saturday (September 30), Professor Ronald Denney, Patricia New and Peter Denney - all from the same family - celebrated 60 years of marriage to their partners Jacqueline, Reginald and Lena Friis at the Centurion Club, on Hemel Hempstead Road.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Professor Ronald Denney and wife Jacqueline.Professor Ronald Denney and wife Jacqueline. (Image: Alan Denney)

Ronald, a former chemistry professor at Greenwich University, former maths lecturer in Lancashire Patricia and former British Library architect Peter were joined by their partners and 18 family members to celebrate the occasion.


During "a special lunch" a slideshow showed photographs from the couples' lives over the 60-year period, and toasts were offered to those "who had been of significance" during that time.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Patricia New and husband Reginald.Patricia New and husband Reginald. (Image: Alan Denney)

Ronald and his wife Jacqueline said: "It was a great celebration and good to see so many members of the family."

Meanwhile, Patricia New and her husband Reginald commented: "It was obvious that everybody enjoyed the meal, was excited at meeting up after a long time and was enjoying spending time together."

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Peter Denney and wife Lena Friis. Peter Denney and wife Lena Friis. (Image: Alan Denney)

Lastly, Peter Denney - who had arranged the celebration - added: "It is always nice to know that something one planned so carefully was really enjoyed by those attending it.

"It was absolutely lovely to see everybody there, and their wholehearted participation in the event."