The construction of a 5G mast in St Albans is set to go ahead, despite being initially rejected by St Albans City & District Council.

The 20 metre pole will be built at the junction between Chiltern Road and Quantock Close, near Sandringham School in Marshalswick.

The development will include 12 antennas, two transmission dishes, seven equipment cabinets and "development ancillary thereto".


The application was initially refused due to the "siting and appearance" of the mast.

A decision notice by St Albans City & District Council's strategic director for community and place delivery, Christine Traill, read: "It is considered that the proposal would result in an unacceptable visual dominance and clutter in this location which would be detrimental to the amenity of the area."

However, yesterday (Thursday, August 24) this decision was overturned by the UK Government's Planning Inspectorate, following an appeal.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: The plans were initially refused due to unacceptable visual dominance.The plans were initially refused due to unacceptable visual dominance. (Image: St Albans City & District Council / Three / EE)

An appeal decision notice reads: "The tall branches of the trees (in the area) and the adjacent four-storey building on Chiltern Road would still form part of the context to the proposed monopole, ensuring that it would not appear harmful, overly dominant or out of character with the surrounding area.

"The backdrop of the mature trees nearby would help to assimilate it into the immediate surroundings and restrict wider views of it."


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It continued: "In view of the above, the siting and appearance of the proposed development would have an acceptable effect upon the character and appearance of the area."

One objection to the mast's planning application, written by a resident of Mendip Close, explained the pole's effect on residents nearby.

Mr York states: "Most concerned will be residents of Park View and adjacent/opposite flats in Chiltern Road.

"[The] view from my house is not a problem in summer, with trees covering view.

"[It] will be visible when foliage comes off trees. Height of mast not in keeping with bungalow heights in Quantock Close and other close residences."

The planning application for the 5G mast in Marshalswick can be viewed via the St Albans City & District Council planning portal, quoting reference 5/2022/1506.