The Bishop of St Albans has visited a Harpenden school to admire a colourful new, Brazilian-themed playground mural.

St Nicholas CE Primary School welcomed The Rt Rev Dr Alan Smith on July 8 to view a 40-foot long mural, which spans the insects, plants and animals of the Brazilian rainforest, encompassing Rio’s statue of Christ the Redeemer and the solar system.

This project involved the entire school and local artist, Liz Sergeant. 

Sara Lawrence, head teacher at the Church Green school said: "The starting point for the project was a generous donation by a former year five pupil, whose parents’ work brought her family from Brazil to Rothamsted Institute for a brief period.

"As the existing mural needed revamping, we commissioned Liz to produce a new image that would help the children remember their Brazilian friend and inspire their learning."

Ideas were gathered from all the pupils via the School Council and the design developed with their input.

Ms Sergeant continued: "It was a privilege to be part of such an exciting project that engaged the whole school.

"The children were especially proud of their contribution to the painting, and their excitement grew as they saw the mural changing each time they came into the playground."

During his visit, Bishop Alan met staff and pupils, and participated in an assembly which included the dedication of the mural.

He added:  "It is especially appropriate to represent the natural world of Brazil to inspire learning in school and to link to this year’s World Cup.   At the centre of the mural is Christ the Redeemer, resonating with the school’s strong policy of pastoral care."