Taxpayers helped St Albans MP Anne Main pay off her mortgage to the tune of more than £7,500 over the course of this Parliament, new expenses figures have revealed.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) released figures on Thursday which show the Conservative claimed £7,755 for mortgage interest on her house after the last General Election until the scheme ended in 2011.

The report was released by the new parliamentary expenses watchdog, which was introduced in 2010 following the scandal over misuse of allowances.

IPSA banned the use of Commons expenses to pay mortgage interest in May 2010. However, transitional arrangements were put in place permitting MPs elected before 2010 to keep claiming the money up until August 2012, as long as they agreed to return any potential capital gain.

Mrs Main began her mortgage claims in 2010 until January 2011.

The city’s MP said she would continue to give her constituents the best service.

She said: "This is old data and with regard to any previous personal expense claims during the transition period I have complied fully with everything required of me by the parliamentary authorities and have not been asked to repay anything.

"I have made the personal decision not to claim the range of expenses that I am currently eligible for and indeed publish all of my expenses on my website.

"I believe that I try to give the best service I can for my constituents and will continue to do so."

The report also details Mrs Main’s business costs and allowances including money claimed to cover the cost of running a constituency office, accommodation, travel, subsistence, staffing and payroll.

All this totalled to £123,815.10 over the last financial year, including staff payroll costs of £106,253.34 and additional staff spending of £3,600.

Mrs Main's other constituency office expenses accounted for is £13,961.

These claims are on top of the Conservative’s basic salary of £65,738 and an additional £8,166 that she earns because of an additional Parliamentary responsibility.