Residents in Harpenden will have the chance to give their opinions on plans to move Harpenden library to a new location.

A planning application has been put forward by Hertfordshire County Council to move the library in Vaughn Road to a shop building in 27 High Street, which used to be an Argos store.

Members of the community have until September 6 to comment on the plans.

A statement in support of the planning application said: "The existing library in Harpenden, which is in Vaughan Road, is not ideal from a location, access and layout perspective and is not fit for purpose for a modern day library service."

The supporting statement also suggested the current building was difficult to manage.

Under the proposals, services provided by Youth Connexions would move to the new library. Currently youth services are provided in a separate youth centre building, which is thought to be badly laid out and on various levels, which can be difficult for young people with disabilities.

The plans would aim to provide teenagers with various activities such as drama, performing arts, cooking, a pool, table tennis, café area and general youth work, which would run in to the evening at around 10pm.

Mayor of Harpenden, Nicola Linacre, said: "If plans are to go ahead, it will be really interesting to see what the new library has to offer.

"I hope the new library would offer a place for groups in the community, such as a museum in Harpenden and our history society. This will definitely be good for the town and I hope it brings a bit of life in to Harpenden."

To make a comment on this planning application, visit