A CURIOUS kitten with a tendency to hitch lifts in strangers' cars has discovered a new interest - the local pub.

The Review reported yesterday how six-month-old Nancy of Marquis Lane, Harpenden, seeks out opportunities to jump into people's cars parked in her street, often when the driver is too busy to notice the free-loading passenger catching a ride.

On several occasions the mischievous moggy has stowed away in random parts of the town - miles from her home - because the driver has been oblivious to his extra cargo until it is too late.

But last night, the inquisitve kitty really pushed the boundaries by inviting herself to the Amble Inn, in Station Road, for Christmas drinks with her owner Melissa Tredinnick.

Melissa told the Review this morning: "I went to a nearby pub last night for Christmas drinks. So did Nancy. She spent the whole evening behind the bar, apparently. I didn't find out until this morning.

"She must have followed me there without me noticing. I found out she'd been at the pub by accident.

"She didn't come home last night so I went out early this morning and found her sitting outside the shop at the end of Marquis Lane.

"I went into the shop to ask whether she'd been inside the shop and spent the night there.

"The girl serving in the shop said Nancy had been in the shop this morning, but had not spent the night there.

"Then the girl said that she'd been at the Amble Inn last night and Nancy had been in there too - she'd found a way in at the back of the pub and she was there all evening.

"I didn't notice because I wasn't standing near the bar, but apparently she was at the bar mingling with other customers. I don't know if she spent the night there too."

Barmaid Rosie Clark said the furry punter proved a real hit with other customers.

"Customers were picking her up and stroking her and then they put her outside. She was really cute and really well-behaved."

Nancy's latest stunt comes just days after she disappeared for an entire day having followed a young girl on a 25-minute wander from Sauncey Avenue to the shops in Southdown.

Melissa continued: "I think I've just got to accept that she's unstoppable, and hope that enough people get to know who she is and where she lives so they can keep an eye out for her.

"I'm even thinking of starting her own blog."

Melissa has appealed to neighbours to keep a look out for the wandering puss, saying: "We have written our address and phone number on her collar and so far someone has always phoned us, eventually, to tell us where Nancy is, but I do hope raising awareness about Nancy's behaviour will prompt people to check their cars before they drive off."