TRADERS at a bookies in St Albans got a taste of fame when camera crews dropped in to film the team in action.

Cameras rolled into betting firm Spreadex's headquarters in Grosvenor Road to take a behind-the-scenes look at bookmakers' sports and financial trading floors to demonstrate the practice of spread betting to those unfamiliar with it.

The firm was selected to star in the Daily Telegraph Business Club's webcast due to its success and growth since forming in 1999.

Spreadex spokesman Andy MacKenzie said: "Spread betting has risen in profile in recent months as an alternative investment opportunity amid the recession as stocks and shares fall and pension returns plummet.

“However, this visit was more to do with how Spreadex has managed to build itself up from humble beginnings ten years ago and the day included interviews with key members of staff as well as footage of our traders in action on our sports and financial trading floors."